GASA – German Immersion Camp
加入我们今年的夏令营在赖特伍德附近的特雷西塔松,CA和我们有很多的乐趣. 我们计划攀岩、射箭、游泳和团体运动……
Year End & Holiday Event 2023
GABA Membership Referral Program
GABA Members, 欢迎加入GABA会员推荐计划, a cornerstone initiative designed to enrich our transatlantic network through your valuable contributions. Refer & 好处:把新成员介绍给……
北威州全球商业-欧洲人工智能峰会2023:连接美国 & European AI Experts
日期:2023年8月17日上午7:30-9:00太平洋标准时间混合活动:Areal Böhler, d
GoBiz USA + iConn Technologies Manufacturing Networking Event: A Reflection and Vision for the Future
Today, we're reflecting on a truly remarkable event that took place recently in China - a networking event organized by our parent company, iConn Technologies. Firstly, our hearts are filled…
On June 22, 北莱茵-威斯特伐利亚州热情地启动了美国北威州2023/2024年, a transatlantic cultural and economic project that marks the beginning of intensive cooperation and exchange between North Rhine-Westphalia…
White Asparagus Dinner
We experienced an absolutely delightful evening at the California Yacht Club in Marina Del Rey during our White Asparagus Dinner on June 7, 2023! 这真是一个难忘的事件。
The Hybrid Workspace
小组讨论于昨晚举行, 关注混合工作空间的最新趋势和范围, 给在场的每个人都留下了深刻的印象. It provided a remarkable chance…
Registration Date & 时间2023年4月20日太平洋时间上午10:00.Global Business已与@Transatlantic AI eXchange和@KI合作.NRW组织了一系列的活动来…
Get started with the GABA Hub
创建您的GABA Hub帐户以访问GABA Hub功能. It's as fast and simple as 1-2-3! 在GABA网站上,选择您的地区. Under "GABA Hub",…
我们诚挚地邀请您参加星期二的午宴, April 11, 2023, titled The 欧洲强国:德国重新获得的政治和全球经济影响力 featuring Former U.S. Ambassador to…
歌德国际特许学校庆祝- 2023晚会
娱乐-饮料-晚餐-跳舞-沉默和现场拍卖-乐趣星期六, March 25, 2023(下午5:30 - 10:30)希尔顿洛杉矶卡尔弗城6161西…
Receive push notifications
确保您不会错过GABA的提醒和其他重要通信? 通过在智能手机上激活MemberPlus应用程序*的推送通知, you will always be in the…
Event registration on the go
想要快速注册不想错过的GABA事件? 使用智能手机上的会员应用程序*在此注册 & now, wherever you might…
有超过100位客人加入我们的2023年经济市场 & 周二在圣莫尼卡的Expert Dojo上的创业展望, 对于这位德裔美国人来说,我们度过了一个非常成功的夜晚……
Show your professional side
希望在GABA成员目录中留下持久的印象? 制作你独特的目录列表毫不费力,只需三个简单的步骤- 1-2-3! Log into your GABA Hub account.…
2022 Year End and Holiday Event
我们的2022年假日庆典是另一个节日交际活动,提前几周售罄. 这个非凡的烹饪活动将我们从洛杉矶到圣地亚哥的社区聚集在一起. BSH…
Make new connections
Networking is about follow-up. 不要错过活动结束后与GABA成员联系的机会. Get set up as easily as 1-2-3! Create your GABA Hub account & log in.…
Startup Scale Up & Growth in Times of Uncertainty
安德森·霍洛维茨,泰勒·威辛,安嫩伯格基金会/普莱吉拉. 在经济不确定的时代,创业者会有什么变化, investors, and the overall startup landscape? Our panel offered a unique…
GABA invited on a tour of the company’s headquarters and manufacturing facilities in San Diego - led by none other than General Atomics Co-Owner and CEO Linden Blue and co-hosted…
The GABA Film Initiative and the Hollywood Professional Association invited last Thursday to celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of the filmmakers who brought their talent and know-how to the 2021 HPA…
Yugo BAFTA Student Awards Screening
我们的GABA电影倡议成员被邀请参加Yugo BAFTA学生奖的庆祝活动. 这是一个为期两天的活动,从周四晚上的电影之夜开始。
GABA(会员会员)应用程序让我们所有人保持联系! 从Google Play / App Store下载并使用您的GABA Hub登录! If you don't have a GABA Hub…
加布里埃拉·桑托斯(Gabriela Santos)的2022年年中经济展望
Our guests from around the world were updated very timely last Thursday at GABA's Mid-Year Economic Outlook, with Gabriela Santos, 摩根大通资产管理公司全球市场策略师, briefing us on…
The GABA Film Initiative opened in-person events since the onset of the pandemic with a meaningful and content-rich first event on June 2, 2022! 查看图片支持和共同托管…
推出GABA Hub和MemberPlus应用程序
登录GABA Hub查看一下! 如果你没有账户,创建一个! The MemberPlus App for GABA keeps…
Introduce Yourself as Guest Speaker
Attention GABA SoCal Members! 我们有一些令人兴奋的消息,澳门十大赌厅app下载的商业混合器! GABA社会会员有介绍自己作为演讲嘉宾的好处. 在调度并获得确认后…
德国-美国学校协会和德国语言学校大会, an umbrella organization for German schools in the US) are excited to announce “Sprichst du Deutsch? – Why not?”…
GABA董事会新成员Roland Rueppell
We are excited to welcome Roland Rueppell as a newly elected board member and Director for corporate development! 罗兰是总部位于红木城的Reputation公司定价策略高级经理.…
We are happy to announce that Frieder Hochheim has joined the team of the GABA Film Initiative as Co-Chair alongside Verena Puhm and Joachim Zell! Frieder will bring new content…
2022 Economic and Market Outlook
对许多人来说,2022年的全球经济预测似乎是一个令人生畏的话题. 随着加密货币的普及, 电子商务成为家喻户晓的名字, inflation increasing with…
GABA is excited to announce the introduction of new member management and event registration software. 除了在注册、发票和个人资料方面的改进体验外,我们还将提供…
End of an Ice Age? Peter Beyer is back!
Peter Beyer, one of the key players in transatlantic relations and negotiations for the Angela Merkel government for years, 是GABA社交活动的常客, organized and…
彼得拜尔访问ARRI -电影倡议
Peter Beyer made Los Angeles his first stop in his transatlantic shuttle diplomacy as Transatlantic Coordinator of the German government and parliament after being grounded during Corona. Film Initiative Co-Chair…
随着世界在冠状病毒大流行后稳步走向正常, 人们谈论最多的话题之一是工作场所:它会恢复正常吗? GABA Southern California recently…
Film Festival Strategies
在当今社会,成为一名成功的知名电影人可能是一项艰巨的任务. 电影行业充斥着年轻的、积极进取的电影人,他们都在争夺关注. With that said, film…
Cultural differences matter. 它们几乎在日常生活的各个方面都发挥着重要作用. Not being cognizant of different cultural norms can oftentimes lead to confusion and potentially hinder…
Creating Movies in the Cloud – and how the global pandemic influenced future production and post-production processes
Our panel of Directors, Cinematographers, Producers, Editors, VFX Artists, Colorists, and Cloud Service Providers invites us to an in-depth review of their recent work on a Global Cloud Production. The…
Film Marketing and Financing
Financing a film remains and likely will continue to be the most daunting task a young filmmaker faces when putting together a movie. 这是电影制作的一个方面,需要……
在德国和美国过着“双重生活.S. – Immigration
This month's topic will cover the visa and immigration process both for the USA and for Germany (more details below). 活动将分为两部分,律师…
The Rise of Motion Capture
大多数人都熟悉电影这个词. 这通常与电影、故事片、戏剧等相关. 然而,动作捕捉对一些人来说可能是陌生的. And while the technology…
One of the difficult parts of moving to a different country can oftentimes be transitioning to a new health care system. 全球十大赌钱软件appGABA最近举办了第三次活动…
GABA Southern California is glad to report that Jim Jiao has been elected by the Board of Directors as its new Vice-Chair. Jim是Transatlantic Investment Partners的管理合伙人。
在德国和美国过着“双重生活.S. – Series
GABA Southern California’s first installment of its “Living a Double Life” series was a resounding success. 针对那些在美国和欧洲都有一席之地的人.S. and Germany or…
Composing Unmuted
在这个GABA电影倡议网络研讨会上, 我们揭开影视作曲家作品的神秘面纱, their process, how to talk to them as a filmmaker, and why…
Michael Metzger是董事会的新主席
GABA Southern California is pleased to announce that Michael Metzger was elected the new Chair of the Board of Directors at the January board meeting, stepping up from Vice Chair, following Co-founder and longtime…
Economic & Market Outlook with Dr. Mohamed A. El-Erian
The 2021 Economic & Market Outlook with Dr. Mohamed A. El-Erian and Frank Mottek took place in the form of a virtual event and attracted record attendees across the U.S.…
Steven Shaw, stuntman, cinematographer, actor, director, 邀请我们分享他在好莱坞的职业生涯的故事和回忆. 他最出名的是伯特的替身。
New Member Benefits and Pricing
我们刚刚为GABA公司成员推出了一系列新的和改进的福利, 例如:接触到一个庞大的领导网络, professionals, 潜在的合作伙伴和客户品牌曝光与…
COVID-19期间的航空旅行更新- Q&A Session with Expert Panel
Returning to the Skies During Covid-19 Event on September 10, 2020, and Air Travel During Covid-19 Q & 2020年9月10日,来自……
A Virtual Roundtable with Peter Beyer Coordinator of Transatlantic Cooperation of the German Government Member of the CDU, 安吉拉·默克尔的政党彼得·拜尔回到GABA讨论当前……
这一信息丰富的活动涵盖了扩大进程的许多有价值的方面, 包括美国和德国消费者态度的差异, and how to use it to your…
Aging with Technology
Together with InnoHealth USA, 这是一项由弗劳恩霍夫协会领导的“德国研究”倡议, GABA提出了一个关于老龄化及其影响的专家讨论, 强调基于技术的…
GABA有幸接待了来自加州和德国的顶级专家, 应对气候变化的两个领先地区. 专家小组一致认为:不能再浪费时间了. We have…
Experts Andrew Fisher and Libby Dawson from Worldview Wealth Advisors (a new Premium Corporate GABA member) filled the hour with a huge amount of highly valuable information. They covered the…
Experts from Germany, Austria, Italy, and the US gave us insights into the latest advances of Hydrogen Energy Storage as an environmentally friendly and sustainable option to address daily variations…
Contact Tracing: Technology, implementation, 在低感染率和个人权利之间取得平衡
In a highly engaged discussion, 我们的专家谈到了接触者追踪的许多重要方面, 包括公共和私营部门, 以及许多明显的和更多的……
The New Funding Reality
GABA presented an expert panel with venture capitalists and angel investors discussing the rapid changes the pandemic has brought to the investment landscape. 感谢我们的小组成员Marco Marinucci…
Klara Parkas from Klarity International presented an expert discussion and workshop about intentional communication for virtual meetings. 虽然虚拟会议可能会浪费时间,但如果组织得当,它们……
With great guest attendance, this Event covered how the new network capabilities brought by 5G go well beyond enhanced mobile media: how it disrupts the industry on many levels with…